My baby is five months old!
We don't have a checkup until six months but I weighed her last night and she weighed in at 12 lbs 15.5 oz. I am sure she is longer but not exactly sure how much she has grown. We need to get a growth chart. Her hair has really started to curl on the top if we forget to brush it after her bath. We are still unsure about her eye color but I am hoping for brown eyes like her mommy!
She is still formula fed with oatmeal cereal mixed in. She started solids this month and she is loving it. Her favorites right now are veggies. She loves green beans, carrots, squash and sweet potatoes. She is not a big lover of fruits except prunes. She will eat them mixed in with her cereal but she is not the biggest fan. We are working on her eating more fruits but it makes me happy that she loves her veggies. And she loves a good plastic bib. It might be her favorite part about eating.
Her sleep has been all over the map this month. She was doing great but it seems we hit the 4 month sleep regression and teething at the same time. We are working on a better nap schedule and getting her to fall asleep on her own but CIO does not work for me. We haven't put her in the crib yet but she is now sleeping in the Pack n Play in our room. With our impending move I thought this would be easier because we are not sure how sleeping will be in the temporary apartment.
She is currently wearing sizes 3 months, 3-6 months and 6 months depending on the brand. She is still in size 2 diapers and they are still big but they get the job done and fit better than size ones.
She still really loves chatting with a ceiling fan, stroller rides, snuggles, tummy time and being carried around in the Ergo and Baby K'tan. She is in love with crinkle books and any toy she can put in her mouth.
She is still not a fan of being hungry, diaper changes and red lights or stop signs when in the car. She also really hates teething!
- She is still consistently rolling over from back to front anytime you put her on her back.- She went on her first trip to the mountains for the day and seemed to enjoy the car ride
- Her two bottom teeth have made an appearance are almost fully in!
- Is really grabbing at toys and seems to enjoy a book being read to her now.
- She celebrated her first 4th of July.
In the mountains at her first brewery!
Cynthia, Mommy and daddy are still really enjoying watching you grow and learn. We are still enjoying seeing your little personality shine through. It is so fun to watch you grow and see what type of little person you are going to grow into being. We are excited to see what you do this next month. Can't believe you are almost half a year old!